Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm So Behind!

WOD #72 June 27th
This doesn't have a name, but I call it Shit-Show, because it caught me off-guard...I was holding my right side (I think I popped a stitch) but the 3rd round and had to quit. :(

5 rounds
Row 200
12 Push Press (15 lbs dumbbells)
8 KB Swings (20 lbs)
4 Burpees

I did 2 full rounds and 8 kb swings. Don't even know the time.

WOD #73 June 30th
Fake Cindy. This went GREAT! I even smiled during the WOD!

AMRAP 20 Min
5 Ring Rows
7 Knee push ups
9 squats
10 rounds and 7 push ups

WOD #74
Row as far as you can in 20 min
3390 m

Not too shabby.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Guess Who's Back?

That's me!

It's been hard. In fact, I'm not totally cleared (unless lifting weights less than 20 lbs counts, which it most certainly does not). I have to have another invasive test in the next week or so, as well. But I'm getting there.

Today was my first day back, and I was nervous! It felt great, though. While I was gone, the boys moved gyms, so that was amazing to see, too. It is so beautiful!

WOD #71
3 full rounds and 13 meters rowed

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
250 m Row
20 Sit-up (abmat)s
15 Kettlebell Swings 20 lbs
7 Body Rows

I am now behind on my WODs if I'm going to make 200 in a year, but I WILL DO IT!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Crossfit I Miss You!

So, I'm still out. Surgery isn't until the 3rd of June. And OMG I'm going crazy. My mom and sister are here and really are "helping".

I will be so ready to come back, let me tell you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hanging In There

To say I'm nervous and depressed would be an understatement.

I had an ultrasound yesterday, and they aren't supposed to tell you what they see. However, the woman accidentally hit the cyst that has been bothering me at just the right point and I practically jumped off of the table. She confirmed that there was a cyst and that it was on a follicle. (I don't know what that means exactly).

At this point I just want to get the surgery over with. Seriously. I want to have energy back and I want to be able to work out without fears of something in my body exploding (I doubt that that is how it works, sure feels that way!)

Monday, May 16, 2011


So, after four and a half months of keeping up my goal to do 200 WODs in a year, I have some crappy news. I'm having surgery sometime next week and won't be able to work out for a MONTH! I'm going crazy. I have some issues I won't go into (girl troubles, lol) and I'm not looking forward to this surgery. At all.

Wish me luck! I'll be around. I'm definitely going to try and do my best to walk as much as possible. EEK.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Work It Out

Kinda behind posting, as per usual...Here are my last 2 WODs.

WOD #70 May 6th

5 rounds for time:
15 ring rows
15 push press 43lb
15 back squat 65lb

WOD #71 May 9th

Row 500m
21 0HS (23lb)
45 sit-ups
21 kb swings (35lb)
Row 250m
15 OHS (23lb)
45 sit-ups
15 kb swings (35lb)
Row 500m

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Running With The Big Kids

WOD #69

2 rounds for time of:
Run 100 meters
25 Box jumps 12″
Run 100 meters
25 Sit-ups
Row 200 meters
25 Walking lunge
Run 100 meters
75 Singles

Pros: I did 2 rounds of 25 box jumps. That is not easy for me.

Cons: The runs were ok on the first round, but I had a hard time with them on the second round, especially on the transistion from run to box jump or lunge to run!

This was a hard WOD, but I did this with the class (although I scaled it from 3 rounds to 2). The box jumps were so hard on me that literally there were people on their double unders once I finished the first 25! I would of loved to do a 3rd round, but I would of been another 15 minutes out, and that doesn't work right for the idea of it was, I finished about 9 minutes after the average person. I am proud of myself that I didn't chicken out on taking this with the class. Also, I so love that Crossfit people don't judge and just let me do my WOD even if I suck. :)